eBook: The Trascendental Experience. Methodology for an Ascesis supported by a Sensory Suppression Chamber – Various authors

eBook: The Trascendental Experience. Methodology for an Ascesis supported by a Sensory Suppression Chamber – Various authors


  • USD: $6

SKU: 9789567483846 Categorías: , , ,


The Transcendental Experience –that which evidences the continuity of the «spirit» beyond the physical death of the body– has been the objective around which, from historical times, various mystical schools were organized. Ascesis, on the other hand, is the particular path that each one of them developed as a proposal to achieve such experience.

Silo (1938-2010) – who referred to himself as a writer and practitioner of what he called an «inner religiosity» – promoted a proposal of simultaneous spiritual and social change to advance towards the formation of a Universal Human Nation. In the field of spirituality he affirms that «there is no meaning in life if everything ends with death», dedicating his writing of The Inner Look (1989) to this theme and, on the other hand, in his Psychology Notes (2006) he explains the possibility of suspension and suppression of one’s own «I» in order to make contact with another state or level of consciousness that he designates as «The Profound». He then suggests a first
stage of «leveling», previous to the realization of one of four «Disciplines» that he developed (mental, energetic, material and morphological), as previous steps to an Ascesis that defines as: «…a path of all life, which tends to overcome the Self to enter the deep spaces of the Sacred».

The authors of this book, compiled and ordered the conclusions of more than one hundred men and women from different countries who are part of the several thousands who have followed Silo’s teachings and the methodology proposed here uses the advantages of relaxation and concentration that a Sensory Suppression Chamber has, as well as the possibilities provided by the team work, in order to accelerate the Ascesis.

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